Philippe Jeanjean, MBA

Chief Operating Officer

As COO, Philippe manages all operations, administration and technology for Boston Global. He is the go-to person for our online tools to enhance learning and collaboration. With over 20 years at Hewlett Packard as an award-winning engineer, he brings valuable experience in creating solutions and implementing new technology tools so our clients can get the most out of online learning. Philippe focuses on how to use technology to create an environment of collaboration rather than command-and-control. He manages a range of communication tools to help Boston Global collaborate more effectively with clients and respond more quickly to challenges, such as: online scheduling for multiple time zones, learning management systems, group webinar management and survey tools.

 Philippe’s expertise helps us scale and allows us to work successfully with large corporate groups for interactive and engaging webinars.  This culture of collaboration allows Boston Global to be more productive, effective, and intelligent. Philippe is a certified coach and holds an MBA from Babson, a Certificate in Economics from University of Massachusetts, and an EE from Universite des Sciences et Technique de Montpellier, France. He is an active member of coaching and mentoring programs at Babson and has traveled to India and the Middle East to work with clients. Philippe is French-American and worked with Hewlett Packard in France and the United States.